Graham had a dust-up with Warren at the bottom mark and lost his A rig mast, so had to change down to his B rig.

Ross won the day, with 9 wins for an overall score of 17 points.

Roger came second, with 7 wins and 21 points.

Mark was 3rd, with 5 seconds and 36 points.

Graham is going very well for a newbie, and came in 4th with 45 points.

Warren rounded out the positions with 65 points.
10 Rater results for 4 Feb 2017

A blustery day sailed mostly on B rigs though Mark managed to survive on A and Warren wisely went to C. The breeze was gusty from the E to NE at around 8 to 14 knots. The shifty conditions created a good number of passing lanes for the back markers and also allowed those off lower handicaps to stay ahead if they played their cards right. Only 10 races were completed due to an approaching storm and a number of boats needing attention due to the constant squalls.

This was the last competition day for the year and ended with 7 boats and a couple of new boats and skippers to continue into 2017. A good year has been had by all.


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  1. 10R - 19th Nov 2016