Paradise Radio Yacht Club LOGOiom logoPRYC International One Metre
Class Information

Our Club was originally established in 2007 specifically for the RACING of radio controlled IOM yachts which is the largest Class in the World, being raced in over 30 countries.

We have since altered our Constitution to provide for racing other classes, but the IOM remains our Principal Class with racing on Saturday afternoons [ 12.30-4pm or 12 races] and Thursday "TOP’s" [Thursday On the Pond] providing a more relaxed and social environment [12.30 – 3.00 PM]. The IOM Saturday fleet regularly enjoys 10-20 starters including ex big boat sailors with World, Sydney-Hobart and National representative honours in their personal histories.

pryc iopmOur IOM fleet has also produced representatives to numerous World, European and NZ Championship events.

If you are looking for competitive RC yacht racing, this is the class for you.

PRYC International One Meter Fleet Captain:Bill Clancy Phone (07) 5598 1531

Before purchasing a yacht and or applying for club membership, please contact the class Fleet Captain.

Skippers considering the purchase of a second-hand IOM yacht should ensure it has a valid measurement certificate.

PRYC hosted 2016 Queensland IOM State Championship racing videos link:






     Race Officer (RO) Workshop









  Sedgmen card Capture

Stephen Sedgmen

MOB: 0417886296

EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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