class logo image      Dragon Flite DF95 Class Information                                                                                        PRYC logo no background copy3                                                                                                                                                                        

Following in the wake of the successful Dragon Force 65 yacht designed by three top RC designers John Tushingham, Mike Weston and Mark Dicks from the UK, several years ago they  released a larger 950 mm version known as the Dragon Flite 95 (DF95) manufactured by Joysway.

DF Development History

P1 DF95 class pgeupdate7Jan 21

Large fleets make for exciting, enjoyable and competitive racing at our club venue Emerald Lakes here on the Gold Coast

The popularity of this new design has rapidly spread across the world with some 6800 yachts now sailing and being enjoyed by sailors in many many countries.The DF95 skippers / boat owners  at PRYC find that these designers have succeeded with a truly well balanced and near perfect handling radio-controlled yacht. The beauty of the Dragon Flite 95, is being a strict one design class,thus sailing does not become an arms race where money rules. As a major attraction to this class and size of yacht is the reasonable purchase price, currently around $650 to $700 A$ for a complete boat with 3 sets of rigs and sails,plus electrics. We also have members who are willing to offerhelp and assistance with assembly of your new DF95.

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The one design DF95 has a hull shape and sail plan which allows for excellent boat speed both up wind and when running before the breeze. 

You don't have to know how to sail remote controlled yachts as our more experienced skippers have positively accepted a mentoring role to the benefit of new club members whether they be young, or of the older generation, or people who may have a disability. Our race days are run by the global rules of sailing which helps made racing competitive and very satisfying. Please be assured that even if you are new to RC sailing, you will be made most welcome at the DF95 Fleet.

              Picture3 DF95 class p                                                                                

 The DF95 is a one design class which has in just a few years gained huge market acceptance amomg the sailing fraternity, as the large numbers sailing in Australia & globally have earnt national recognition from the governing body of our sport the Australian Radio Yachting Association (ARYA). Hence the future for DF95 looks extremely bright and assured.

Picture4 df95 classp

 Following the inaugral National Australian DF95 Championships held in March 2020 at Austin Lakes, South Yunerup in Western Australia where over 25 entrants contested that event, State and inter club Championships are now part of the annual sailing calendar.  .

2020 DF95 Australian Championship Results and report link

2020 DF95 Queensland Championships hosted by PRYC -Report LINK

At the PRYC the DF95 Fleet sail at Emerald Lakes each Friday from 11.30 am until 2.45 pm and again on Sunday's from 11.30 am until 2.30 pm. Sailing is socially fun ,so why not come a long and try your hand at radio sailing ,using one of our members yachts, so you can try before you buy. We look forward to welcoming you and your friends along to PRYC.


DF95 Set up & Maintenance Guide LINK


DF95 Sail Tuning Guide LINK


DF95 News & Information from Australia: 

Australian DF Radio Sailing Association Facebook Page Link

DF95 SAIL NUMBERS in Australia are managed by the ADFRSA Inc and can be applied for via this link.


PRYC DF95 Fleet NEWSLETTER # 1 November 2020 LINK

PRYC DF95 Fleet NEWSLETTER #2 December 2020 LINK

PRYC DF95 Fleet NEWSLETTER #3 January 2021 LINK

PRYC DF95 Fleet NEWSLETTER #4 February 2021 LINK










PRYC DF95 Fleet Newsletter #19 JUNE 2022 Link

PRYC DF95 Fleet Newsletter #20 July 2022

PRYC DF95 Fleet Newsletter #21 August 2022

PRYC DF95 Fleet  Newsletter #22 September 2022

PRYC DF95 Fleet Newsletter #23 October 2022

PRYC DF95 Fleet Newsletter #24 November 2022

PRYC DF95 Fleet Newsletter #25 December 2022



aerial update July 2017 sss

Emerald Lakes , Lakeside Drive Carrara QLD 4211, our sailing venue which is an ideal spot for radio controlled yacht racing


DF95 @ Emerald Lakes YouTube VIDEO LINK


Before purchasing a yacht and or applying for club membership, please contact the class Fleet Captain.

For further information or to register your interest to attend one of our sailing days, please contact:

PRYC Dragon Flite 95 (DF95) Fleet Captain: 

Mick Gentles  

Mobile 0401581906

DF95 SUNDAY RACING Coordinator Chris Palmer Mobile 0414590502


PRYC logo image                         




Paradise Radio Yacht Club LOGOsail insignia 10rPRYC Ten Rater (10R)

Class Information

The 10R division fleet sails every Saturday at Emerald Lakes on a course separate to the IOMs. Racing commences at 10.00 am and we sail a minimum of 16 recorded races (weather permitting), completing at around 3pm. Thereafter social sailing takes place on demand, followed by informal refreshments, on demand.

The up to 14 strong fleet of PRYC members are often joined by visitors from other clubs and by prospective sailors, with the accent always being on a fair, fun - filled but competitive day.

STH Q 10R 8 SEPT 2012 51 copySeveral members have second boats available for loan/experience trial at our race days by visitors and prospective members – please phone 55984349 (Adrian) or 02 66723456 (Ross) to make arrangements in advance of any Saturday.

Club Handicap days are held on the third Saturday of each month, with the balance being Club Championship Scratch days with all races counting towards the respective annual trophies.  Practice sail days are held every Wednesday at Emerald Lakes.

Currently the fleet includes a variety of designs plus marbleheads.

Both new and experienced guest sailors are always welcomed and accommodated to ensure we all enjoy the day. Irrespective of levels of competence, sailors’ enthusiasm, latent ability and the intention to enjoy the day are what count at our race meetings.


Before purchasing a yacht and or applying for club membership, please contact the class FLeet Captain.

Skippers considering the purchase of a second-hand yacht should ensure it has a valid measurement certificate.

PRYC Ten Rater Fleet Captain: Frank Arrowsmith Mobile 0403267917

65ne1wwPRYC Dragon Force 
65 Paradise Radio Yacht Club LOGO
Class Information



   DF65's are the smallest of PRYC yachts. At 650 mm long and fully rigged, they easily fit onto the back seat of a small sedan car. That size convenience, their low purchase cost  around $400 for a complete boat including all electrics and their one class rules ( all boats in the fleet are the same) make them a popular choice for new radio control sailors.


A competitive core group of skippers race every Tuesday and  Saturday each month at Emerald Lakes with the format varied between scratch, handicap and mixed racing. 

 MG 3960

 More experienced skippers have positively accepted a mentoring role to the benefit of new club member novice RC sailors.  Race days are run by the rules of sailing and are competitive, yet fun, and the camaraderie of everyone involved is excellent.

June 30 2020 DF65sss

 All newcomers and visitors are welcome to attend. 

Racing Times:

Each Tuesday and Saturday from 11.00 AM until 3.00 PM with set up from 10.30 AM.

Before purchasing a yacht and or applying for club membership, please contact the class Fleet Captain for important advice including how to ensure inside your boat stays dry.

PRYC Dragon Force 65 Fleet Captain:   Julian O'Brien      Phone 0431930744


For DF sail number allocation,yacht registration,boat supplier details and set up & sail tuning guide information go to Australian DF Radio Sailing Association (  (ADFRSA)


 PRYC DF65 History

The manufacturer Joysway, began selling Dragon Force 65 sail boats in 2013. PRYC skippers began racing Dragon Force 65 yachts in 2014 as part of an RG 65 class. With the release of Dragon Force 65 Restricted Class Rules Version 1.6 in 2017 permitting the use of an A+ sail, yachts using such sails no longer fit within RG65 class rules. PRYC DF65 skipper Charmaine White was then instrumental in obtaining QRYA official DF65 Class recognition in Queensland State first, ahead of the class adoption throughout Australia. Dragon Force 65 class was recognized in November 2017 as the fourth PRYC yacht class. Forty-two PRYC skippers  have Dragon Force 65 yachts as of March 2024. 

PRYC DF65 hosted events History

2016 PRYC 2016 Dragon Force Challenge 

2017  DF65 Queensland Dragon Force Championship 

2018 National DF65 Invitational Challenge 

2019 DF65 Queensland Championship

2020 DF65 Queensland Championship

2021 DF65 Queensland Championships

2022 DF65 Queensland Championship

2022 DF65 Gold Coast Classic

2023 DF65 Queensland Championship

2023 DF65 Gold Coast Classic

2023 DF65 Tri Series Round 3

2024 DF65 Queensland Championship


laserlogoParadise Radio Yacht Club LOGOPRYC RC Laser
Class Information



The RC Lasers were introduced to the club in mid 2012 and there is now an active fleet of about a dozen boats.

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Lasers sail on Wednesdays with the first race starting at 10.00 am and the last at 3.00 pm.  A Laser comes in a distinct blue carry bag ready-assembled so no boat building skills are needed. With a new boat out of the bag, just add a radio and receiver and start sailing. The design is simple and exceedingly robust allowing Lasers to easily survive encounters with other boats and rocky shorelines. The relatively heavy keel and standard A, B, C and D rigs allow sailing in all winds up to 40 knots. With no mast stays and a single main sheet, rigs can be changed in under half a minute.

The increase in the fleet is undoubtely because of its strict one-design which makes all boats uniform.The purpose of one-design, is to ensure that the sailor’s skill will be the primary factor in the outcome of races among boats of that class. One- design boats appeal to those who would rather sail and race on equal terms and enjoy a good support system of other owners and a strong class.

The RC Laser is a quarter scale model of the boats sailed in the Olympics. There are RC fleets all around the world with more than 10,000 in USA alone. Because of the strict one-design rule, a boat 10 years old can be as competitive as a new one which means that as well as close racing there is no need for any major outlay to keep abreast of the latest design and the used boats keep their value.

In November 2017, our club hosted the pinnacle RC Laser event in the world; the RC Laser Championship of Nations  international regtta. In a great week of sailing, two of our skippers featured in the top four placings in a field of 56 skippers from around the world. You can be assured of a high calibre of yacht racing competition.

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We have loan boats available so come and join us and find out how much fun it is to sail a RC Laser.

The RC Laser is simple to sail and a challenge to race.


laser2Before purchasing a yacht and or applying for club membership, please contact the class Fleet Captain.


PRYC International Laser Class Fleet Captain:
David Page Phone 0419418177

Paradise Radio Yacht Club LOGOiom logoPRYC International One Metre
Thursday Racing Information

Every Thursday, IOM skippers take to the water with a friendly competitive attitude for handicap racing. Generally, we have between 4 and 10 boats go through the start line. Racing rules are still enforced; however, the general attitude is a little more relaxed than on Saturdays. Sailing starts at 1230 hrs each Thursday (set up from 1130 hrs, lunch / forum 1200 hrs) and finishes around 1500 hrs. We generally complete 12 races by the end of the afternoon.

pryc iopmAll comers are welcome. Because generally someone will lend you their boat to try out, Thursday on the pond is a great opportunity before you take the next step of purchasing a yacht. Competitors from all Clubs are always made to feel welcome, so come and try the most competitive radio sport available.

PRYC IOM Thursday Fleet Captain:

Warwick Wood   Phone 0419 014 744

Before purchasing a yacht  and or applying for club membership, please contact the class Fleet Captain.

Skippers considering the purchase of a second-hand IOM yacht should ensure it has a valid measurement certificate.




Paradise Radio Yacht Club LOGOiom logoPRYC International One Metre
Class Information

Our Club was originally established in 2007 specifically for the RACING of radio controlled IOM yachts which is the largest Class in the World, being raced in over 30 countries.

We have since altered our Constitution to provide for racing other classes, but the IOM remains our Principal Class with racing on Saturday afternoons [ 12.30-4pm or 12 races] and Thursday "TOP’s" [Thursday On the Pond] providing a more relaxed and social environment [12.30 – 3.00 PM]. The IOM Saturday fleet regularly enjoys 10-20 starters including ex big boat sailors with World, Sydney-Hobart and National representative honours in their personal histories.

pryc iopmOur IOM fleet has also produced representatives to numerous World, European and NZ Championship events.

If you are looking for competitive RC yacht racing, this is the class for you.

PRYC International One Meter Fleet Captain:Bill Clancy Phone (07) 5598 1531

Before purchasing a yacht and or applying for club membership, please contact the class Fleet Captain.

Skippers considering the purchase of a second-hand IOM yacht should ensure it has a valid measurement certificate.

PRYC hosted 2016 Queensland IOM State Championship racing videos link:






     Race Officer (RO) Workshop









  Sedgmen card Capture

Stephen Sedgmen

MOB: 0417886296

EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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