Sean Wallis has come up with a Team App to help RC skippers everywhere keep up to date with the latest 'Championship of Nations' regatta results and information.

Read more: Awesome new app for ' 2017 Championship of Nations' international regatta

Members may have noticed a jetty piling rig and pontoon near the headland at Clear Island Waters.

Read more: Hey! What's happening at Clear Island Waters?

,PRYC Sailing Secretary and RG 65 Fleet Captain Charmaine White outlines the new status and future of DF65.

Read more: PRYC 's Charmaine White on QRYA YouTube Channel

brycSMHPYesterday saw BRYC at Carbrook host the Club Initiated Round 3 of DF65 Open Series.

WOW! we had an excellent turn out with a total of 14 skippers hitting the water and in the group we had a visitor turn up as well, thank you Ray Wilson your welcome any time you like.

We also had one of the skippers wives turn up as well and this kept our warped understanding of the English language in check, in other words, very little swearing. The weather was fantastic producing a beautiful mild day with heaps of sunshine, a few clouds to keep it cool and most importantly the wind was pretty spectacular for most of the day and it made for some great racing indeed.

Every competitor behaved with very good sportsmanship, penalties were done without any quibble and as a result the day went very smoothly and without a hitch. On a personal note from myself I must say thanks to everyone because I had a very clear view of the course all day, but it didn’t help my sailing as you can see from the score sheets. Beware though experience and a few underground plans for coaching me and tuning the boat are underway. Next time, folks, next time.

A big thank you to everyone that made the effort to be there, we at BRYC are very thankful to you all, especially the guys from PRYC, 7 in total. To all of the bodies that manned the day behind the scenes with their help manning the rescue boat, the buoy watchers, Richard, the PRO and David for being the scorer. To all the others, I hope you know who you are, particularly who helped those that weren’t so mobile anymore by launching their boats for them.

That’s all from me thanks and we look forward to another excellent turnout on Round 4, the date will be announced shortly.
To everyone, stay ABOVE the water!
Regards Paul. 




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Workshop Presenter ANNE WALKER demystified 'HMS' for student skippers.


Wshop text FINALCapture




PRYC skipper Mike Jefferys won the second round of the Dragon Force 2017 interclub series, to now make it two interclub regatta wins in a row. Congratulations to Mike and well done to our 9 PRYC skippers who travelled to Carbrook today to attended the event. Thank you to Brisbane Radio Yacht Club for hosting the well-run event and to all officials and skippers for making it a “vocally” enjoyable race day.

Check out full results, race report and race videos @ RC Yachts

DFR2 2017 Challenge

Dragon Force Interclub Challenge Round 2 Trophy Winners: From left -Ian Robertson (SLMM) 2'nd, Mile Jeffreys (PRYC) 1'st & Grant Lihou (SLMM) 3'rd. [ I.Lobley image]

This is the tenth year of PRYC yacht racing at Emerald Lakes.

To mark that milestone, a keen group of skippers gathered to record the occasion

and update an old web site photo with a new look image.

Old PRYC beach image





                             Original Emerald Lakes PRYC beach scene.







